When did I visit last?

Did I take any pictures?

Cherish your memories

Many a time, one finds it hard to recall a specific place they visited and the associated experience. We need a convenient way to capture, catalog, recall and recommend our experiences. PlaceRack is the right tool to help us keep it in order.


Store and share your experiences

PlaceRack maintains our captured experiences, these can be recalled and accessed anytime in the future. All experiences are stored on the devices unless an experience needs to be shared. 

The PlaceRack app is available on the Apple IOS app store. We are also beta testing the Android version of this app. 

PlaceRack is a mobile app which allows us to capture a memorable event, dining experience or anything worth noting. We can add images, audio or text to our capture session. At the onset of the capture session, a list of possible places is presented. In order to make the appropriate selection, we can scroll this list of possible choices or reduce these choices by using the search widget. 

Once a selection is made, the relevant location and timestamp is recorded. Additional useful information is provided during the capture session, these include the Yelp scores and recommendations from our friends.

At a later time, we easily recall this event by performing a simple search.

We can share any of our experiences with friends, also we can receive recommendations from our friends. 

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